To begin, ensure the mbstring, xml, dom, intl PHP modules are enabled php -m | grep -iE "mbstring|xml|dom|intl" Import Roundcube initial database into MySQL database created above mysql -u rcadmin -p roundcube < /var/Configure PHP for Roundcube Reload privileges tables and exit the database flush privileges create user identified by 'StrongPassword' grant all on roundcube.* to mysql -u root -p create database roundcube Ĭreate Roundcube database user and grant all privileges on Roundcube database. Replace the database and database user names accordingly. Login to MySQL and create Roundcube databases. In this guide, we are going to use MySQL server which we already installed in the guide whose link is given above. Roundcube supports various database backends as stated above. systemctl restart apache2 Create Roundcube Database and Database User If there are syntax errors, restart Apache if there is error. Verify syntactical errors in Rouncube site configuration. a2ensite roundcubeĮnable the following Apache Modules a2enmod deflate expires headers rewrite If you need to use HTTPS, obtain the SSL/TLS certificates and configure Apache appropriately.ĭisable Apache default site a2dissite 000-defaultĮnable Roundcube site.
Install other required PHP modules apt install openssl composer php-/roundcube-access.log combined Install and Setup LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 20.04
PEAR packages distributed with Roundcubeīefore you can proceed with installation and configuration of Roundcube webmail on Ubuntu 20.04, update your package cache apt update Install and Setup LAMP Stack On Ubuntu 20.04įollow the link below to learn how to install and setup LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 20.04.SMTP server and IMAP server with IMAP4 rev1 support.MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MSSQL or Oracle database.Apache, Lighttpd, Nginx, Cherokee or Hiawatha web server.